“Improving care for Lynch syndrome:collaboration is key”

Tuesday January 7th 2025

Erasmus MC education centre (lecture hall 1) or digital

9.30h : Doors open, coffee and tea
10.00h: Welcome by Prof. Dr. Manon Spaander, gastroenterologist Erasmus MC
10.05h: A patient perspective by Mr. Ron van Roijen, LynchPolyposis foundation
10.15h: The care for rare diseases needs us all by Prof. Dr. Edward Nieuwenhuis,
professor rare diseases Erasmus MC
10.40h: Local to regional care by Dr. Anja Wagner, clinical geneticist Erasmus MC
11.00h: 40 years of national collaboration on Lynch syndrome by Prof. Dr. Monique
van Leerdam, medical director StOET
11.20h: The effects of Lynch syndrome on life expectancy and socio-economic
choices by Mr. Daniel Karpati, assistant professor Erasmus University School of
11.30h: How can international collaboration benefit people with Lynch syndrome?
by Dr. Andy Latchford, gastroenterologist St. Mark’s hospital London
11.55h: Closing and pitch by Ms. Ellis Eikenboom, MD-PhD candidate
12.00h: Lunch

13.00h PhD thesis defence Ellis L. Eikenboom
“Detection, management and prevention of
Lynch syndrome-associated tumors”

Querido hall Erasmus MC or digital, followed by drinks in foyer

Language: English
Accreditation: VKGN, NVMDL, V&VN VS, NVOG is requested